Soo I tend to down myself a lot!

Okay, so today was an extremely stressful for me. Today was the day I took my Medical Assistant Certification test! Now, I was excellent in school and I definitely know my stuff, but for some reason I didn’t think I was going to pass. I kept telling myself, you aren’t going to pass, you aren’t ready, you’re going to fail, you seriously can’t do this. The worst part was- I believed it. I believed that I was going to fail, and I was going to let everyone that believed in me down. Ever since last night I beat myself up so hard, to the point that I made myself sick. It was aweful. I barely slept, and when I woke up I had this AWEFUL ache in the pit of my stomach. Then I had a panic attack. I couldn’t breathe, I was shaking and hysterical, I was so scared. The rest of the day was just as bad, I just knew I was going to let everyone down. Then it started snowing so I had to leave to take my test early! I thought to myself great, this was definitely going to suck. When I got into the parking lot I had another little breakdown, then my mom called. Her phone call changed everything, then I realized I just needed her. She gave me a little pep talk. After talking with her I realized that I could do this. I gave myself a pep talk and walked inside. When I started taking my test everything was good until I realized NONE of these questions were on any study I looked at. At this point I said yep this isn’t happening-oh but it was! I was on the second to last question and I just HAD too go check every answer and second guess myself.. So I did! I’m back at the last question and I don’t even know the answer to it. So I spend 15 minutes reading the question wrong the entire time and then realize that it was the easiest question on the test. So when I got to my results I didn’t even want to look, but I did. And guess what??? 

You are now looking at a Certified Medical Assistant ! 

Go me! I did it. I passed. I put all that Pressure on myself for NO REASON at all. I

I will never make that mistake again.


Brittani, CMA

You Can’t Look Away From Little Caesars Bacon Crust Pizza

Big news, mediocre pizza fans! Little Caesars pizza has gone from tasting like poop to tasting like bacon-wrapped poop with the introduction of their bacon crust pizza.

Bacon wrapped pizza 5 out of 5 doctors do not recommend

This comes as bad news to Catholics who just gave up junk food for Lent. Why couldn’t Little Caesars have waited to release this bacon orgy until after April 2nd? It’s okay, Catholics. I’m sure licking the computer screen tastes just as good as the real thing. Seriously.

The company has stated that 3.5 feet of bacon is wrapped around the perimeter of this artery-clogging treat. That’s 3.5, folks, The same number of days you’ll be feeling the after effects of your poor decision.

The pizza came out on February 23rd which is perfect for those who STILL haven’t gotten a Valentine’s Day gift for their side piece yet. Got a case of the Mondays? Pick…

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Who am I repeated ! 


Well I’m Brittani. 

I’m 23 years old.

I love to write and give advice.

Sooo… If you would like to contact me for advice on anything, to share your story, or even just to talk, please don’t hesitate! Go ahead and email me at

I would LOVE to hear from you all!!! (:

Maya Angelou Once Said

“Love recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope.” 

This is so beautiful and true! Don’t ever let anyone tell you otherwise don’t let them make you feel bad because of who you love. If it’s destiny, it’s inevitable. The heart wants what it wants. 

With Love, 


Well Hello !

Well hello there interweb! My name is Brittani ! So I honestly have no idea what I’m doing, but I figured I love to write and keep journals might as well “blog“! This blog doesn’t really have a specific purpose but if I encourage, teach, or make anyone’s day brighter.. I’ll take it! Well enjoy!

With Love,

Brittani (: